Successful outcomes, mean knowing your options.
Our world is driven by information, at our office we want you to hear it from us.
Exosomes are the most talked about hot topic in the field of aesthetic regenerative medicine and surgery. So, what are Exosomes? Exosomes are small vesicles of a cell, containing information in form of RNA and proteins, for other cells. They Read more
Buccal fat removal has experienced an uptake mainly driven by social media, as have some of the information being out there. Here is some relevant information you should not miss out on, when considering a buccal fat removal. Myth #1 Read more
Recently the FDA has issued a warning about rare cases of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the capsule surrounding the breast implant. Although, this is not the usual occurrence site of SCC and its incidence is rare, patients who are Read more
Covid-19 has made us all to wear masks for several months. And it seems that they will accompany us for some time. Our natural way of communication by reading the face, its mimics and emotions of others, is limited since Read more
Regenerative facial treatments are designed individually for self renewability with fat grafting. The purpose of regenerative rejuvenation is not to change or alter the shape of the face and its features, but to regenerate, repair and restore what has Read more
Anti-Aging – Look Your Best at Every Age Bathroom counters have become a collection of creams, serums, lotions and potions, all bought in the hopes of the “Magic Eraser.“ No matter the age, we all want to look good. Fresher something Read more
Recently there has been an increase on social media and other forums about Breast Implant Illness. As such, our office has had an increase in questions. We wanted to take this opportunity to address the basics. What is Breast Implant Illness Read more
Raising children, being there for the family, working, being a spouse – it’s a lot. Sometimes I really wonder how my patients manage it all. Despite being the core, the heart, and the best manager of the family some of Read more
“Patient Safety” is the key component in the relationship between a surgeon and their patients. Given the recent attention in the media to BIA-ALCL and other implant related issues with breast augmentation, we wanted to share with you the following: Read more
When you think of the words “Plastic Surgery” chances are a breast augmentation, “boob job,” or “breast enhancement” popped into mind. This is still one of the most requested plastic surgery procedures. Having been in this field, 15 plus years, Read more
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