Inverted nipples are often a concern of patients visiting Dr Bianca Knoll for a breast consultation. There are different grades of inversion that may affect both or only one side. An important point during your consultation will be the ability, or importance, to breast feed. The surgical technique used and timing of the repair will include your decision on family plans for the future. The ideal method would correct the inversion without transecting any of the milk ducts, which is difficult to perform especially if the inversion is severe. The correction of a severe inverted nipple will require the transection of the milk ducts, which will interfere with the ability to breast feed afterwards. The challenge after the surgical correction of the inverted nipple will be to maintain the eversion, by preventing vertical scar contracture post-operatively.
An inverted nipple repair is usually performed under local anesthesia in an ambulatory setting, unless it is combined with a breast augmentation. After your inverted nipple repair you may have some swelling and bruising, which gradually subsides within the following weeks. During that time Dr Knoll and her team will see you regularly in her Frankfurt office to accompany you during the wound healing process. Most of our patients describe their postoperative course as not very painful.
Dr Knoll and her team will be happy to provide you with further information about your options to have a nipple correction and answer your questions during your consultation in our office in Frankfurt.
The cost of your inverted nipple repair procedure may vary depending on if the procedure will be preformed under local anesthesia or in combination with other procedures. Dr. Bianca Knoll’s office in Frankfurt, will provide you with a detailed cost proposal for your inverted nipple repair procedure after your consultation. The best thing to do is to come in to see Dr. Knoll for a consultation. You will be thoroughly examined and provided with all the information you will need, and how much it will cost.
We understand that it can be impartial for some of our out of town/ international patients to travel to Frankfurt for an initial consultation. For this reason, Dr. Knoll offers online consultations. By submitting a series of photographs, information about your desired outcome, and a little about yourself, we can start to determine if you are a good candidate. Though a virtual consultation starts the conversation, it does have it’s limitations and does not replace the need to be seen in person for a traditional consultation to finalize plans for a procedure.
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