The goal of a facelift is to obtain a natural, rested and attractive physical appearance. This includes an improved relationship between the facial aesthetic subunits (specific regions of the face with defined boundaries), to diminish the signs of aging, or to improve your appearance after previous surgery.
Every person’s face is different, and so is the individual aging process. Therefore it only makes sense that each facelift is not performed the same way. A facelift result should look unique and natural to each patient. A facelift is the most encompassing surgical approach to correct sagging and facial wrinkles caused by aging. A facelift will remove loose excess skin, restore lost facial volume, and reposition underlying tissues and muscles of the face and neck. During a facelift mid face sagging, marionette lines, jowls, and a double chin are corrected.
The natural history of facial aging usually comes down to 2 things: volume loss and gravity. There are patients were the overall aging process is related to gravity and other to volume loss. Typical areas of facial volume loss, are the temples, the malar (cheek bone) area, buccal fat pad (Bichat’s fat pad), subpalpebral fat ( below the eyebrow / non movable upper eyelid), and the lips. Volume loss is not only the facial fat, but your facial bones change as well during the aging process. Not every patient shows the same amount of lax skin and volume loss. This may even vary within the aesthetic units of the face of a patient (eye area versus cheek versus neck for example). Over the years, your face and body are exposed to environmental influences, like sun, lifestyle habits, stress, and hormonal changes. In addition to your genetics, all these factors will have a positive or negative impact on the aging process. Considering a healthy lifestyle, and good skin care will majorly contribute to the success of a facelift. Dr Bianca Knoll will carefully analyse a patient’s distinctive facial features and aging process, and will assess overall goals with the patient before the facelift to ensure patient and doctor agree to the same term. A modern facelift is personalized for each patient’s unique circumstances.
During your facelift consultation Dr Knoll will carefully listen to your concerns, examine you and thoroughly analyze your facial aging process. She will then discuss this with you, and explain your available options. Not every patient thinking he or she needs a facelift will need one. On the other hand, some patients are hoping that a minor treatment or surgery will have the same effect, than a well done surgical facelift. This is usually not the case. Most patients seeking a facelift would like to appear fresher, rested, and more youthful and vital. Noticing excess loose skin, prominent nasolabial folds, marionette lines, jowls, cheek lines, and gradual loss of volume are common concerns of patients seeking a facelift. Patients often realize that initial non-surgical treatments are not enough anymore, and are seeking a more compelling solution. In some patients this might be the case as early as their early 30’s or 40’s, to maintain their best appearance. This is often called the – „maintenance facelift“ -. Most patients undergo a facelift around 50. The best age for a facelift is the time you think you are ready for it. When you feel that your face does not mirror your youthful energy and spirit anymore. If you realize that time, gravity, sun and heredity have taken their toll on you, and you would just like to maintain the best you. At that moment in your life, being a healthy individual enjoying life, is the best moment for a facelift.
Modern facelift surgery is quiet distinct from the facelift surgery of the past. The level of personalization, considering different aesthetic units of the face, a better understanding of the aging anatomy and the application of different surgical techniques now allows for a better rejuvenated facelift results. Everybody understands that a smooth face, and a wrinkly neck or cleavage will not match. The face, neck, and cleavage are considered therefore one aesthetic unit. If the ageing process of different anatomical regions in the face do not match, a person will be considered as „done“ or „operated“. The very same is true for a saggy but smooth, overdone wrinkle free face, or a pulled look. Some of our older techniques used in plastic surgery have been revised, realizing that the results have often only been partially beneficial for the patient.
“Modern Facelift Surgery Covers More.”
A modern facelift addresses subtle changes, that are important to how we are being perceived by others — harmonious, proportionate, youthful, or „operated“. These subtle changes encompass for example, volume restoration, brow position and shape, lip volume and ptosis, age / hormone related receding hairline, skin turgor, a well defined cervicofacial angle (i.e. nicely defined angle of the lower jaw to the neck) and a visible shadow below your mandible. In modern facelift surgery some of these age related changes can be corrected as a singled out surgical procedure, so that the operated area will match the reminding face, or several anatomical areas will need attention. A modern facelift, does not only mean, that work will need to be done in different anatomical layers (SMAS, skin, fat compartments), or that tissue will be restored in different required vectors (directions) to allow natural facial movements. Modern facelift surgery can also be combined with modern neck lift procedures and other advanced customized techniques. Although most patients have a pretty good understanding what has changed in their face over time, they usually enjoy learning about the interplay of subtle age related changes, and the intriguing effect of having them corrected. Dr Bianca Knoll will discuss your personalized approach during your consultation in her Frankfurt based office.
The ideal facelift candidates are healthy patients seeking improvement or correction of the following:
The success of a modern facelift is clearly dependent on the meticulous planning, realistic expectations, aesthetic sense of your surgeon, and skilled surgical performance of your surgery. Patients are often concerned about visible scarring. Careful and precise surgical technique by placing scars in natural light reflexion zones, or in areas of pigmentation changes, will make scars, with proper healing, barely noticeable. The old times, with broad long noticeable scars, pulled earlobes, distorted hairlines are a thing of the past thanks to advancements in aesthetic and plastic surgery.Surgical facelift procedures can take quiet some time since many details are encompassed. Depending on the extent of your surgery you may spend +/- 6 hours in the operating room under light general anesthesia. Most of Dr Knoll’s facelift procedures will be followed by one overnight stay in the hospital. Some shorter procedures can also be performed safely in an ambulatory setting. Based on your general health, length and type of the procedure and your personal comfort an additional overnight stay in the hospital might be recommended. After your facelift procedure you will have some swelling and bruising, which gradually subsides within the first days to weeks. The amount of bruising and swelling can vary from patient to patient, but Dr Knoll’s office will provide you with helpful pre and post-operative care information. Dr Bianca Knoll and her staff will have your best interest at heart, and will do everything they can to have your surgery go well, and your recovery proceed smoothly, safely and with the least amount of discomfort possible. We are happy to provide you with further information about the procedure and answer your questions during your consultation in Dr Bianca Knoll’s office.
Now that you understand what a modern facelift entails, it is easy to understand that it is difficult to provide any estimated costs without having examined and talked to the patient. The costs of the surgery may vary depending on the complexity, length of the procedure and the details involved. Usually there are 3 different costs associated with surgery: the surgeon’s fee, hospital fee, and anesthesia fee.Dr Bianca Knoll’s office in Frankfurt will provide you with a detailed cost proposal including all these 3 different costs after your consultation. During your office consultation with Dr. Knoll you will be thoroughly examined, allowing us to provide you with information pertaining to your surgery, pre-operative testing requirements and costs associated with your individualized surgery plan. For these reasons a consultation in our Frankfurt office is strongly encouraged. If you wish to have additional information or would like to schedule a consultation please contact the office of Dr Bianca Knoll, we will be happy to assist you.
We understand that it can be impractical for some of our out of town/international patients to travel to Frankfurt for an initial consultation. For this reason, Dr. Knoll offers online consultations. By submitting a series of photographs, information about yourself and desired outcome, we can start to determine if you are a good candidate. Though an online consult starts the conversation, it does have its limitations and does not replace the need to be seen in person for a traditional consultation to finalize plans for a procedure.
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