Experience matters
Your safety is the HIGHEST priority! Patient safety is something Dr Bianca Knoll and her team take very seriously. The process for patient safety involves 3 steps: before, during and after surgery.
During your initial consultation for your plastic surgery procedure Dr Bianca Knoll and her team will go over your current health status, past medical and surgical history, and will perform a physical exam. Depending on your age, your health status, and the type of plastic surgery procedure and anesthesia you elect, the appropriate diagnostic and laboratory studies will be ordered. Dr Knoll and her team will go over your medications, review your lifestyle habits, and will counsel you regarding any changes needed to optimize your safety during the peri-operative time period. This is important, since some drugs may put you at an increased risk for bleeding, wound healing problems or infections. Even some of the over the counter drugs or herbal supplements can be associated with these problems. Some lifestyle habits may also put you at unnecessary risks. Before your surgery we will detail risks, expectations, and the various alternative treatment options you have.
After we have settled on a mutual agreeable treatment plan, your operation will be performed in a modern facility, under sterile conditions, equipped with all the required technologies to perform SAFE surgery. Anesthesia will be performed solely by an experienced BOARD CERTIFIED anesthesiologist. Dr Knoll will not have anesthesia performed by an anesthesia nurse to save costs. Dr Bianca Knoll works with an experienced team of OR nurses. Major surgeries are conducted in a level 1 center associated with the University Medical Center providing maximum safety and care. During your operation, preventative measures will be taken to avoid post operative complications such as: deep vein thrombosis, infection, pressure sores, and nerve injuries from positioning. All surgeries will be performed EXCLUSIVELY by Dr Bianca Knoll.
After surgery, you will stay for further observation in the recovery area, where your vital signs will be checked several times before you leave. In case your surgery was not an ambulatory (out patient) procedure, you will be transferred to the floor equipped for an overnight stay. PROFESSIONAL nursing and medical staff will be there for you, 24 hours/day. Dr Knoll will check in on you personally, as well.
After you have returned home, it is very important to follow the postoperative instructions you have received from our office. This will help you heal well, minimize scarring and reduce the possibility of complications. This way you will get the BEST RESULT from your aesthetic plastic surgery procedure. Dr Knoll and her team will see you regularly in her office for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery in Frankfurt, in order to assess your progress in healing, and answer any remaining questions you have. Dr Knoll and her staff have your best interest at heart, and will do everything possible to have your surgery go well, and your recovery proceed smoothly and safely with the least amount of discomfort possible.
Knowledge Is a Beautiful Thing
Dr Bianca Knoll is an experienced board certified plastic surgeon and graduate of the plastic surgery training program at Yale University were she also completed a 2-year basic science research fellowship. Her clinical research and basic science were related to aesthetic and craniofacial surgery. Dr Knoll is extensively trained by some of the world leaders in their area in plastic surgery. Her patients benefit therefore from her exquisite American and International professional network. Information and experiences about new techniques, outcomes and technology are often exchanged long before they are being published in professional journals or are available for the public in the media.
Dr Bianca Knoll authored several papers and book chapters in this area, and is an invited speaker at international meetings. She serves as an Associate Editorial Board Member of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Journal, and as an expert witness of the physician chamber of Hesse and Rhineland Palatine.
Professional Societies:
- American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS)
- American Aesthetic Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASAPS)
- The Rhinoplasty Society (TRS)
- American Society of Maxillofacial Surgeons (ASMS)
- European Association of Plastic Surgery (EURAPS)
- International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS)
- Yale General Surgery Society
- Yale Plastic Surgery Society
- German Society of Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgeons (DGPRAEC)
Dr. Knoll and her staff are humbled when a patient has chosen to include them in their surgery journey. Whether it be a smaller in office procedure, or a surgery requiring an overnight stay in the hospital, your safety and wellbeing will be the focal point of your experience.
To start your Aesthetic Plastic Surgery journey please contact the office of Dr. Bianca Knoll.