Gynecomastia is a condition, where men develop excess tissue of their chest during adolescence. The appearance can be similar to a woman’s breast. In most men this is a transient phase during puberty, and will resolve. However, in some men the excess tissue will remain, affecting a patients social life. Later in life when men undergo hormonal changes they may notice an increase of chest tissue as well. Although the etiology is still not fully understood, hormones, or hormon-like factors, acting like estrogen, seem to play an important role. Certain drugs, alcohol, and lifestyle habits contribute or might be the cause in the etiology of gynecomastia. In rare cases gynecomastia is associated with congenital syndromes and anomalies.
Before surgery for gynecomastia is performed, you will need to undergo an endocrinological work up. This means that several hormone levels will need to be checked to exclude any other causes for your gynecomastia. If no endocrinological abnormality, drug and lifestyle related causes can be detected, surgical correction of your gynecomastia is an option.
If you would like to learn more about gynecomastia and its correction contact the Frankfurt office of Dr Bianca Knoll to set up your consultation.
There are different gynecomastia correction techniques, based on the classification and severity of gynecomastia. Mild cases with good skin elasticity can be corrected either with liposuction or small incisions just within the areola to make the scars less visible. Suction assisted gynecomastia repair is often preferred if the breast tissue is not too dense, allowing at the same time contouring along the pectoralis muscle leading to a more defined, athletic appearance whenever possible. However, not every patient will be a good candidate for suction assisted gynecomastia repair. If the tissue is directly located behind the NAC, you may benefit from direct excision of the excess tissue, or a combination of both methods. When the enlargement is severe, a longer incision is performed to excise breast tissues and loose skin. Skin tightening may also be necessary and the nipples repositioned to ensure a proportional chest appearance following your gynecomastia repair.It is the goal of Dr Bianca Knoll to conduct the most effective, with the least amount of scaring, male breast reduction technique, that is also safe and leads to the desired improvements. Dr Knoll aims to limit the visibility of scars resulting from your gynecomastia correction as much as possible. Although the incisions will be closed tediously and precise, the incisions still might be noticeable depending on the individual healing. In some patients, unsatisfactory scar formations require further treatments or revisions.
If you would like to learn more about gynecomastia correction contact the Frankfurt office of Dr Bianca Knoll to set up your consultation.
A gynecomastia correction is usually performed under general anesthesia and takes 1,5 to 3 hours depending on the technique used. Most of Dr Bianca Knoll’s gynecomastia corrections require no drains, and can be either performed safely in an ambulatory setting. Depending on your general health, and your personal comfort, an overnight stay in the hospital might be preferred.After your procedure you will have some swelling and bruising, which gradually subsides within the following weeks. During that time Dr Knoll and her team will see you regularly in her Frankfurt office to accompany you during the wound healing process. Although most patients do not describe their post-operative course as very painful, you will be limited in your physical activities during your immediate post-operative period to ensure adequate wound healing. The success of a gynecomastia procedure is clearly dependent on the meticulous planning, a patient’s realistic expectations and compliance, aesthetic sense of your surgeon, and skilled surgical performance of your surgery.
Dr Knoll and her team will be happy to provide you with further information about your gynecomastia procedure and answer your questions during your consultation in our office.
A gynecomastia procedure is not described by our patients as very painful. Most of our patients describe more a burning or pulling sensation after their gynecomastia procedure. Immediate after your surgery a snug dressing will be applied and you will wear during your post-operative recovery a compression garment for about 6 weeks. You will see Dr Knoll in her Frankfurt office regularly for potential dressing changes and check ups. The vast majority of our gynecomastia patients will undergo their surgery without using any drains. Initially the chest will be swollen and bruised.The amount of bruising and swelling may vary from patient to patient, but Dr Knoll’s office will provide you with helpful pre and post-operative care information to allow you an optimal recovery. Dr Bianca Knoll and her staff will have your best interest at heart, and will do everything they can do to have your surgery go well, and your recovery proceed smoothly, safely and with the least amount of discomfort possible.
The costs of a gynecomastia procedure may vary depending on the complexity, surgical technique used, length of the procedure and the details involved. Usually there are 3 different costs associated with surgery: the surgeon’s fee, hospital fee, and anesthesia fee.Dr Bianca Knoll’s office in Frankfurt will provide you with a detailed cost proposal including all these 3 different costs after your consultation. In some cases a gynecomastia procedure might be covered fully or partially by your health care insurance. In order to determine the proper procedure for you and discuss insurance coverage, a consultation with Dr. Knoll is strongly encouraged. You will be thoroughly examined and provided with all the information you will need to make an informed decision. You will also receive further information about any type of pre-operative testing required and additional information about your procedure. If you wish to have additional information or would like to schedule a consultation please contact the office of Dr Bianca Knoll, we will be happy to assist you.
We understand that it can be impractical for some of our out of town/ international patients to travel to Frankfurt for an initial consultation. For this reason, Dr. Knoll offers online consultations. By submitting a series of photographs, information about your desired outcome, and a little about yourself, we can start to determine if you are a good candidate. Though a virtual consultation starts the conversation, it does have it’s limitations and does not replace the need to be seen in person for a traditional consultation to finalize plans for a procedure.
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