Anti-Aging – Look Your Best at Every Age
Bathroom counters have become a collection of creams, serums, lotions and potions, all bought in the hopes of the “Magic Eraser.“ No matter the age, we all want to look good. Fresher something to enhance and restore our own natural beauty.
Although fillers have been introduced and used during the past years, they are often over marketed leading to a very unnatural, typical “filler like“ appearance. They are often quiet noticeable and alter facial movements and mimics.
Rethink Anti-Aging Intelligently
Using truly regenerative techniques by using your own tissue and cells to boost and to enhance skin texture, composition, and healthy appearing plumpness of your skin and face is much more desirable. It is natural, long lasting, and you are your own resource. By combining scientific knowledge and your own body’s makeup, Dr. Knoll helps patients achieve a regenerative look improving skin quality, reducing wrinkles and damaged pigmentation all by using your own regenerative potential of your cells and tissue. With minimally invasive procedures having shorter recovery periods, Dr. Knoll can also help reduce a patients need for fillers in the future. Tailored treatments for each patient help the effect of aging in reverse.
To learn more about how Dr. Knoll is re-thinking aging smartly , contact our office.