Dr Bianca Knoll has a great bedside mannor, she sat with me in the OR as they were preping me for surgery she had me laughing and I felt so comfortable being in her hands. She is easy to talk to and listens to you. She is very caring as she called to check on me after we had returned back to our hotel room after surgery.
I had been researching the internet for lighter breast implants and found out they have a new implant called B-Lite that is 30% lighter than the traditional silicone breast implants and I knew right away that is what I wanted. I had my breast implants replaced two years ago with 750 cc UHP because my old implants 600 cc that I had for 17 years had a rupture in one so of course because of boob greed I wanted 800 cc UHP and my surgeon recogmended 650 cc because of my age and the weight of 750cc implants but I wouldn’t listen to him so he put in the 750cc and they were much too heavy and started dropping right away. He had told me after a post operative appointment that for me to have the upper pole fullness I would need a lift to remove some of the stretched skin.
I didn’t want to go that route so started searching for lighter implants that were a little larger than what I had and that is when I came across the B-Lite implants which are made in Germany. I found my surgeon Dr Bianca Knoll who is in Frankfurt, Germany and arranged a consult with her. My husband and I were on vacation in Amsterdam this summer so we took the short flight from Amsterdam to meet with her and talk over what I wished to achieve in my breast implant revision. I asked her about the B-Lite implants she had never used them but was able to get a sample for me to see and touch and she said she would order which ever size I decided on.
After we got home I got busy and made all the arrangements for our flights and 13 night stay at a close by hotel. I was undecided on my size I wanted to go with 920 cc but ended up going with 835 cc because of my age and all my expensive Victoria Secret bras I had invested in as I wanted to be able to fit in them.
I had all my blood tests and xrays done here in the US and they all turned out good so
we had the ok for my surgery.
The surgery went well my surgeon was able to close up my loose pocket and position my implants higher so I would have the upper pole fullness I didn’t have with the other implants.
I had very little pain or discomfort and we walked to the clinic the next morning for my post op checkup. We made this a vacation and walked all over Frankfurt during
our stay. I had one more follow up visit at 6 days where my steri strips were removed and any stitches trimmed that were sticking out to far.
I was careful not to do any lifting as we traveled back to the airport to come home.
It will be 4 weeks tomorrow since my surgery and doing great.