June 2016

Mommy Makeover Experience

I have tried my hardest with diet and exercise to over come my mid-section, but have not been successful. I can’t beat my genetics or my hypothyroidism. 

I am 5’5, 155 lbs. I crossfit 3 times a week, do boxing 2 times a week, and yoga 1 a week so I’m pretty active! Procedures: Tummy Tuck/Ab repair Lipo- upper abdominal tummy, waist contouring, lower tummy tire area, and upper back around bra line Breast lift/Implants– Went from A (after the lift was done) to a 400cc (don’t know my bra size yet)

She’s very nice and easy to work with! She listens to your concerns and is very responsive to emails and questions.

  • Mommy makeover